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For Q2-2020, PRASAC MFI Plc. has a total interest income of KHR 421,000 Million, increased by KHR 49,951 Million equivalent to 13.46% compared to the same period last year in Q2-2019 and net profit for the three-month period ended in Q2-2020 is KHR 52,839 Million, decreased by KHR 50,924 Million equivalent to -49.08% compared to the same period last year in Q2-2019. For the six-month period ended (Jan-Jun, 2020), PRASAC MFI PLC. has total interest income of KHR 844,385 Million, increased by KHR 135,604 Million equivalent to 19.13% compared to the same period last year (Jan-Jun, 2019) and net profit during the period of KHR 152,334 Million, decreased by KHR 38,032 Million equivalent to -19.98% compared to the same period last year (Jan-Jun, 2019). As of 30 June 2020, PRASAC MFI PLC. has total assets of KHR 13,724,436 Million, increased by KHR 1,097,922 Million equivalent to 8.70%, and total equity of KHR 1,831,137 Million, increased by KHR 160,350 Million equivalent to 9.60% compared to 31 December 2019. Please refer to below key prudential ratios as of the second quarterly (Q2-2020) below: 1. Return on average equity: 3.02% 2. Return on average asset: 0.40% 3. GLP to asset ratio: 79.49% 4. Operating expenses to average GLP: 0.87% 5. Cost to income ratio: 40.34% 6. Yield on average GLP: 4.02% 7. Capital adequacy Ratio: 18.76% 8. Liquidity Coverage Ratio: 331.07% 9. PAR >=30days ratio: 3.40% 10. Deposit to GLP ratio: 138.03% 11. Number of borrowers: 426,857 12. Number of depositors: 621,743 13. Number of staff: 9,382 14. Number of offices: 180 15. Number of ATMs: 138 Please refer to the attachments. |