Disclosure Details:
Period | Quarter | |||
1 - Details of Changes | Current Quarter | Previous Quarter | Change Amount | Change Rate (%) |
- Operating Profit | 761,685,000KHR | 1,233,959,000KHR | (472,274,000)KHR | (38.27)% |
- Net Profit/Loss | 315,982,000KHR | 631,953,000KHR | (315,971,000)KHR | (50)% |
2 - Shareholder Equity | ≥30 Billion KHR | |||
3 - Description |
-Decreasing in operating profit 38.27% -Decreasing in Net profit 50% |
4 - Reason | The decrease in operating profit of 38.27% and the decrease in net profit of 50% were due to the increase in raw material prices, although revenue increased by 6.26% if compared to the same period of 2020. |