Disclosure Details:
Period | Fiscal Year | |||
1 - Details of Changes | Current Fiscal Year | Previous Fiscal Year | Change Amount | Change Rate (%) |
- Sales Amount | 2,361,484,014,000 | 2,229,117,878,000 | 132,366,136,000 | 5.94% |
- Operating Profit | 1,348,723,701,000 | 1,257,721,759,000 | 91,001,942,000 | 7.24% |
- Net Profit/Loss | 576,865,289,000 | 489,723,958,000 | 87,141,331,000 | 17.79% |
2 - Shareholder Equity | ≥30 Billion KHR | |||
3 - Description | The increase in net profit | |||
4 - Reason | The increase was mainly due to an increase in net interest income of 12.21% equivalent to KHR 161,651 million compared to 2019. |