Trading Information on Cambodia Securities Exchange

Market closing data for the date:
Total Trading Volume (Units) Total Trading Value (KHR)
0 0
Remark :  Trading Volume/Value include Volume/Value from Auction Trading Method and Negotiated Trading Method
Auction Trading Method (ATM)
Bond Symbol Close Change Trading Volume
Trading Value
Bond Feature Coupon Rate (%) Day To Maturity
(% Yield)
- 0 0 KhAAA Sustainability Bond SOFR +3% or 5.5% per annum, whichever is higher 3,352 Days
- 0 0 KhAAA N/A 6.30% Annually 1,556 Days
GT27A -
- 0 0 N/A Plain Bond, Green Bond 7% per annum 1,181 Days
- 0 0 KhAAA Guaranteed Green Bond Term SOFR + 1.5% 1,743 Days
- 0 0 N/A Guaranteed Bond 5.50% Annually 210 Days
RRC32A -
- 0 0 N/A Plain Bond 7% Annually 2,951 Days
- 0 0 KhAAA Guaranteed Bond SOFR+3,5% or 5% per annum (take which one is higher) 1,198 Days
- 0 0 KhAAA Guaranteed Bond SOFR+3,5% or 5% per annum (take which one is higher) and Year 6 to Year 10: SOFR+3,75% or 5% per annum (take which one is higher) 3,025 Days
TCT26A -
- 0 0 N/A Plain Bond 4.50% Annually 713 Days
TCT28A -
- 0 0 KhAAA FX-Linked Bond Term SOFR + 2.5% 1,570 Days

Negotiated Trading Method (NTM)
Bond Symbol Weight Avg. Price
(% Yield)
Trading Volume (Units) Trading Value (Mil.KHR) Credit
Bond Feature Coupon Rate (%) Day To Maturity
CGSM33A 0.00
0 0.00 KhAAA Sustainability Bond SOFR +3% or 5.5% per annum, whichever is higher 3,352 Days
CIAF28A 0.00
0 0.00 KhAAA N/A 6.30% Annually 1,556 Days
GT27A 0.00
0 0.00 N/A Plain Bond, Green Bond 7% per annum 1,181 Days
PPSP29A 0.00
0 0.00 KhAAA Guaranteed Green Bond Term SOFR + 1.5% 1,743 Days
RMAC25A 0.00
0 0.00 N/A Guaranteed Bond 5.50% Annually 210 Days
RRC32A 0.00
0 0.00 N/A Plain Bond 7% Annually 2,951 Days
TCT26A 0.00
0 0.00 N/A Plain Bond 4.50% Annually 713 Days
TCT28A 0.00
0 0.00 KhAAA FX-Linked Bond Term SOFR + 2.5% 1,570 Days

refers to a type of Index-Linked Bond that coupon and principle are linked to some indicators such as exchange rate. The displayed yield is calculated based on unadjusted coupon and principle.
Licensed by: Cambodia Securities Exchange (