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The interim financial statements of ACLEDA Bank Plc.’s Group for Q3 2020 have been prepared in accordance with Cambodian International Financial Reporting Standards (“CIFRS”). For Q3 2020, ACLEDA Bank Plc.’s Group has total revenue of KHR 584.25 billion and approximated to those of in Q3-2019 and net profit of KHR141.95 billion increased by KHR 26.98 billion equivalent to 23.47% compared to the same period last year in Q3-2019. As of ended 30September 2020, ACLEDA Bank Plc.’s Group has total assets of KHR 26.10 trillion increased by 933.23 billion equivalent to 3.71% and total equity of KHR 4.29 trillion increased by KHR 361.57 billion equivalent to 9.20% compared to period ended December 2019. Significant indicators of the third quarterly-2020 are as following: Return on average equity(*): 3.41% Return on average asset(*):0.56% Interest income to total gross loan: 3.08% Operating expense to total gross loan: 1.27% Total gross loan to total asset: 65.10% Total gross loan tototal deposit: 91.56% Total gross non-performing Loan (**)/total gross loan: 3.02% Solvency ratio: 24.44% Liquidity coverage ratio: 168.43% (*) The ratio is not annualized and was calculated using the three-month period of total comprehensive income figures from 01 July to 30 September 2020. (**)Non-performingloan = loan in stage 3 Number of employees (the Bank and its subsidiaries): 13,683 |